Woodbridge Buildings A&B
We finally wrapped up this project and the tenant is using the buildings. Great job all!
24th Ave South – Des Moines
Unfortunately, the public utility companies failed to get their facilities moved in time for us to finish building the road. We will move off the job until they get their relocation work completed, then return to the site to complete the job. Hopefully we can do that this coming summer.
Golf Club Road – Lacey
The crew is wrapping up the piping and roadway improvements. The job went smoothly and is ahead of schedule. Nice job crew!
Canyon Road East
We are entering the most difficult phase of construction on this project. We have to completely rebuild a major intersection and raise the road over 10 feet. Overtime will be required to get the job done!
Illahee Middle School
We made good progress until the inclement weather slowed us down. We got the building area done so the building work could progress. We are waiting on new plans for the sewer and waterline work. Hopefully, we’ll get them and get back to work!
FTV Hangar
We are wrapping up the hangar at Paine Field in Everett.
Redmond Ridge Roundabout
Crews have repaired the roadway and we are getting ready for final paving and striping soon.
Juanita Drive – Kirkland
We just broke ground on this job and are getting work underway. Lots of work to do. It’s going to be a busy summer!
Arrowhead Lake Water System
We will install a new waterline system around Arrowhead Lake. We haven’t started yet, but we will soon.